A New Work. In Progress.

Yesterday I was chilling in the cafe when I startedddddd.
Sorry, this is still a tad bit hard. Like I said, personal stuff.
Personal for me.

(These works are my diary screaming out Loud.)

Okay, sorry about that breakdown.
Here is a rough sketch of the idea I started to create...

Personally I think this one will be epic. It's pretty raw right now, but once I make it into a painting it will be RAU.
I have yet to develop a title 4 the work. Maybe some of my fans out there could help me out?
Well, as an Artist I might just have to come up with my own ideas but suggestions are useful.

"Give me a mueseum and I'll fill it." -Pablo Picasso

So, in case some of my viewers are not artists yourselves, let me walk you through the rough symbolism (of course it will be deeper and harder as the work progresses). 

Santa-esque hat-- our modern times and consumerism
bugs-- human kind/our sick existence
lightning-- Congress and the supreme Court
tornado--- our reliance on Capitalism and a cash economy
snake-- the ancient serpant (also an illusion to parseltongue)
earthquake-- the inevitable rise of Anarchy
present--- the wasteland that is our modern fashion industry
fire-- you decide.
whirl in the lower left-- my Art. it's relation to our times is vital.
tidal waves--- SOS

So, yeah, so let me know your thoughts and we can brainstorm about it. I guess this is part of my vision of creating an artist community through this blog that is totally rau and honest. 

:$  this is how it feels at first, but if you open up it can start to get easier. I have found.


[Signature Series 2. Below a Bellow.]

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